Looking for the following teams to fill divisions for the 2021 Winter Classic, News, Winter Classic, 2021/22 (Chedoke Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2021/22 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 23, 2021 | Dwayne Sterling | 441 views
Looking for the following teams to fill divisions for the 2021 Winter Classic
The Registration deadline for the 2021 Chedoke Winter Classic is this Friday, November 26, 2021 at midnight.  All teams that submit their registration forms by midnight on the 26th will have a spot reserved for them in their division.  .  

At this time, our registration is as follows:

U11 Select - 7 teams
U13 Select - 6 teams
U15 Select - 8 teams
U18 select - 5 teams

All teams that register before Midnight on November 26, 2021 will be guaranteed a spot in the 2021 Winter Classic.

After midnight on the 26th, we will only accept teams as required to balance our schedule so there is no guarantee we can accept you.

There are only 4 days left to grab your spot for the Winter Classic.  See you there.